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时间:1900/1/1 0:00:00

On October 26th Eastern Time, according to Electek, Volkswagen (Volkswagen Group) has proposed what may be the most ambitious proposal yet: by 2020, they will have electric cars as good as Tesla, and the price will be half that of Tesla. Volkswagen CEO Herbert Dis recently stated, "We are already very strong. We have invested 30 billion in electric vehicles, we have a factory in Zweikao, and we are also planning to build an electric vehicle factory in Shanghai. In 2020, we will launch a great electric vehicle, which is as strong as Tesla, but at half the price." In the automotive industry, host manufacturers rarely publicly acknowledge which company to benchmark against. But Volkswagen has clearly been catching up with Tesla in the field of electric vehicles. Last year, Dish said he sees Tesla as their main competitor;

When it comes to an electric car that "can do anything like Tesla" and "halves its price," Dish revealed that it may cite the concept of an identity card (the future identity card family of the Volkswagen brand), which will be named "Neo" because it is their first new electric car planned to be released in 2020. Even before the launch of this concept car in 2016, Volkswagen announced that it would distort the National Economic Development Commission level (the "New European Driving Cycle", which is a European standard for endurance testing) Model 3 models within the electric range, Defeat Model 3 and X-car. For years, Volkswagen has been advocating for ID cards to defeat Tesla, but we have no knowledge of the performance or other details of ID card cars. Volkswagen did not disclose the price of the ID card, but it is said to cost $28000. It's cheaper than Model 3, less than half of its price. This car is expected to be launched in Europe and China in 2020, followed by North America. The following is the current position of the English original text. Volkswagen Group has issued several ambitious statements regarding its electrification efforts since being hit by the diesel door scandal. Now, they have put forward what can be said to be their most ambitious proposition so far: by 2020, they will have electric cars as good as Tesla, and the price will only be half that of Tesla. Volkswagen owner Herbert Diess commented on the electrification efforts of automakers in the ZDF program "Maybrit Illner": "We are now very strong. We have invested £ 30 billion in the electric vehicle industry, and we have established a factory in Zweikao. We are building an electric vehicle factory in Shanghai. We will launch cars like Tesla in 2020 that are omnipotent and half cheaper It is rare for automakers to publicly acknowledge the names of other automakers in the automotive industry, but Volkswagen has clearly been striving to catch up with Tesla's electrification efforts. Last year, Dis said, 'He believes Tesla is their main competitor'. When it comes to an electric vehicle that can do anything like Tesla and is priced at half the price, Dis may refer to the I.D. concept, which is expected to be referred to as the "Neo" (as shown in the figure above), as this is their first new electric vehicle planned to be released in 2020. Even before the launch of this concept in 2016, Volkswagen announced that it would defeat the Model 3 and Model X in the electric range by distorting the NEDC rated range of the Model 3. In a demonstration, it locked the two cars together, although neither has yet to be released and is planned to be released in a few years. As for the price, Volkswagen has not yet confirmed it, but they have been discussing 25000 euros (approximately $28000), which is cheaper than the Model 3, but not half the price. The car is expected to be launched in Europe and China in 2020, followed by North America.

标签:大众特斯拉Model 3Model X

拜腾否认IPO 明年计划启动C轮融资


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